About Fur

Fur: A Renewable, Recyclable and Sustainable resource

What is the actual meaning of the above words? We only use part of what nature produces each year without depleting wildlife populations or damage the natural habitat s that sustain them. The goal is to maintain long-term ecological balance.
In nature, each plant and animal species generally produces more offspring than the land can support to maturity. Like other species, we live by making use of part of this surplus that nature creates. We also have a responsibility to protect the wilderness areas that provide these valuable resources. Modern conservationists define this as the “sustainable use” of renewable resources.
Synthetics, by contrast, are generally made from petroleum (a non-renewable resource), which is NOT consistent with the sustainable use of our environment. The production, transportation and disposal of petrochemicals can cause environmental problems.
Worldwide, fur industry is an excellent example of an industry based on sustainable use. All the furs used by the trade are abundant and absolutely no endangered species are used. This is assured by strict provincial/state, national and international regulations. In the Canadian fur trade, government wildlife officials and biologists ensure responsible use by establishing controlled hunting and trapping, harvest quotas, licensing, and training courses for trappers. Strict government regulations ensure that these quotas and seasons are respected. Fur industry is working and operating according to international rules and all companies comply to rules in order to pay mutual attention to the well-being of our ecosystem and its preservation.
Main source: furisgreen.com

We will explore some of the reasons as to why real fur is green and a sustainable industry. Lets see some facts about real fur :
• Unlike most synthetic furs that are made from petrochemicals and other petroleum substitutes real fur is a 100% organic material that is biodegradable. In other words, real fur breaks down while face fur, like other plastics and synthetics, do not break down and remain in land fills for centuries.
• Fur industry and its main goal is to secure the natural habitats and maintain them as a consistent resource by using only a very small part of what nature produces without depleting wildlife populations. That is something that makes fur a renewable resource, unlike synthetic and fake furs that are made of petroleum which is not-renewable and harms the environment deeply.
• Animal welfare is a crucial matter to the fur industry and that is shown by its commitment concerning international agreements on trapping methods and many more matters that are dealing with the actual conservation and the well-being of endangered species. Animal welface is always to the center of attention of fur industry for many reasons but most importantly because the conservation and the longevity of fur industry it actually depends on animal welfare.
• Provided there is a proper treatment real fur can last for many years and that is because it is naturally resilient. Real fur garments, unlike other textiles, can also be re-cut and restyled as fashion changes. Your old fur coat can even be “recycled” to make fur accessories of any kind.